Sunday, March 30, 2008

Happy 1st Birthday Kanyon!

What a good day this was....yeah I know it was raining and dreary outside, but I got to see my little "grand-friend" Kanyon Phillips! This past Wednesday was his very first birthday. (If you ever want to see for yourself what the power of prayers will do...go to his blogspot and read about his incredible journey!) He just had eye surgery less than 2 weeks ago too! His family is one of the most loving group of Christians that you will ever meet. Thanks to the Phillips/Spencer families for sharing ALL of their babies with all of us.

This was not a good picture of Kanyon, but he'd been just about as good as any little 1 year old can possibly be for one day! (Notice that look on his sweet look on his Granny Gay's face!) Sorry 'bout this one Kanyon...I'll take a better one next visit!

Speaking of the Spencer's Miss Roselyn with her Mommy, Rachel. Aren't they 2 of the prettiest you've seen? That Roselyn has the most beautiful curly hair...but look at those sleepy eyes. Sooooooooo precious!

My little "grand-friend" Ridge was in rare form this morning at church! He was singing, smiling from ear to ear, helping Keith lead the singing, and then telling everyone "bye-bye" during the closing prayer! (Although I think it's his way of saying AMEN!) Here's a picture of him and his sweet Mommy (Amy) on their way home today!

At lunch today, Payden was thinking that the "buzzer" at Chili's was his Mommy's cellphone. He was so sleepy at lunch, he would just lay his head on the table to "rest"! He's only 19 months old, but you should see that little boy dip his food into the honey mustard! Too funny!

1 comment:

The McCarter Family said...

Cute pics! Where are the McCarter girls!?