Thursday, April 24, 2008

Prom Night

Last weekend I experienced PROM NIGHT....from a girls point of view. Ellie and her friends let me invade their special night. I went out to their house around 1:30....there was drama already. Kaci had already been to get her hair done....she didn't like it....the curl was already falling out and there was a CRISIS!
Ellie's date, Tyler, had been to Arlington to a school function, and was NOT back in town yet. (And no matter how many times you tell girls that "it's gonna be ok", they don't believe you!)
After a few phone calls, they found someone to save the hair! Holly Anthony was going to do Ellie's makeup and she'd had lots of practice "doing hair" and she volunteered to fix Kaci's hair. It turned out too cute! But the best part was watching all of this's like a science project!

This is Holly working her magic on Ellie.

Then....working her magic on Kaci's hair!

After hair and makeup, it was off to take pictures....LOTS of pictures! The "rock" church was the spot of the night. There were so many beautiful girls there....and some that "thought" they were cute. teehee! Then to the fountain in downtown Paris. There were at least 250-300 people up there taking pictures. I CANNOT believe some of the dresses these girls they NOT have a mirror in their house....and when they went to buy these dresses, who went with them and TOLD them that they looked cute? HOLY COW! And then there were those that looked like hookers! Girls...please!.....or maybe I should say "Mothers, please". Don't let your daughters out of the house looking like that!

This is Lambo, Kara, Ellie, Kaci & Hamish

Tyler & Ellie

Then we said goodbye and they were off to eat dinner and to the Prom. They spend all this time getting the dresses....the shoes....the flowers...the tuxes...and once they get to prom, they have a "check-in" for the shoes, coats & flowers! HOLY COW!
While all of this was going on, me, Peggy and some of the parents of the kids were out at Peggy's preparing for them to come out afterwards. It was so funny to see these beautiful couples turn into teenagers looking COMFORTABLE again! teehee!

Peggy fixed all types of breakfast foods, and the other parents brought all kinds of foods! HOLY COW...there was enough food for an army....and we put most of it AWAY! She fixed "breakfast" around 1am...complete with pancakes, biscuits, sausage gravy....etc. (I'm getting hungry just thinking about it!)

Then everyone except the kids left and they all went to the living room and were "supposedly" going to watch videos.....after about 5 minutes, most of them were asleep! Pooped out after a VERY busy day/night! This picture is of Kaci.

Kaci was konked out!

There was Tyler with his very masculine blanket over him! teehee

And then....sweet little Jesse! That boy may be small - but man, can he make some noise!

I've just forgotten how to be a "girl" after raising a son.....I did discover that boys are MUCH easier on prom night. They take a shower...put on a tux and they're gone. TAH DAH!

Do you remember your prom?

I remember mine....The first was my junior year, 1973, at Cooper High School. I went with Jon Thomas and came home with David Jackson. Scandalous huh?

My senior year (1974) was MUCH more fun. A bunch of us girls (I think there were 5 of us) went with a guy friend of ours that had an old Cadillac convertible! We could have cared less what our dresses looked like or our hair either! But...that was the 70's...things have really changed!

1 comment:

The McCarter Family said...

Bringin' back some memories for me! Yall had too much fun!!!