Tuesday, May 27, 2008


Oh my.....it's been too long since I posted! I don't even have pictures to post this time, my monitor fizzled out and we haven't gotten all my stuff off the hard drive yet. It'll happen.
I was on vacation for a week and a half. Webber and I were in Greenville and he worked for Greenville High School on the "Floor Show". He's been doing that for 32 years! He loves it though and I love watching the kids.
I went to the lake with Peggy, her family and friends from Thursday to Sunday. We had too much fun. Lots of laughing...lots of food...lots of walking...lots of SWEAT! Took my camera - but never got it out.
Haven't moved to the "new" house yet. Taking a bit longer than expected to get it ready, but it's ok. It's painted white on the outside and I have my RED door! I've always wanted one and now it's MINE! WoooHOOOO! But, it'll be worth it in the end.
I went back to work today........UGH. It was so busy! The construction on the bank seems to be going ever so slowly....but it'll be worth it in the end. (Deja vu all over again huh?)
PLUS....I've gotten hives/shingles/poison ivy too. MISERABLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Didn't sleep a wink last night. You couldl play connect the dots on my skin right now. Don't get any ideas though!
ONLY 11 more days till we leave for CANCUN! WoooHOOOOOOOO!
I'll get back to you with more details as they become available!

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Mother's Day

Tomorrow is Mother's Day.
27 years ago I became a Mother...Mommy.....Mom.
Larry Dow Sprinkle was such a tiny thing when he was born. He weighed only 5 pounds and 13 ounces....but he immediately took over my heart.
It's such a privilege to say that "my son is my friend". We have a relationship that many would love to have with their children.
We can talk about ANYTHING...and we do.
We can go anywhere together and feel comfortable.
He is my friend.
He KNOWS I would do anything for him.
I can honestly say that....... I would give my life for him.
How blessed am I that my son NEVER gave me any trouble?
How blessed am I that my son RESPECTS not only me but others?
How blessed am I that my son LISTENED to me when I taught him about how to treat a girl and be a "nice guy"?
How blessed am I that my son LOVES me and appreciates me?
How blessed am I to have a son is such a WONDERFUL man?
Thank you Larry for making me a Mom!

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Kinda Boring

I've not posted in a few days....but there's not a lot going on. Well, there is, but no pictures.
It's only 1 month until our trip to Cancun! I'm so excited about this I can hardly stand it. I've started tanning (which I've never done) so I will not burn to a crisp.
We'll be moving in a couple of weeks. More to come on that. (More details as they become available.)
The annual "Floor Show" for Greenville High School is next week. So, we'll be totally consumed with that for about 9 days! Webber's been working on this project every year for the last 34 years. (It's a fund raiser for the band and drill team...they've been doing this for over 50 years.)
I start my "vacation" next Thursday, so I'm really excited about that! I'll be away from work for 12 days.....WOOOOOHOOOOOO! Better than that I won't be having to work that "darned" ol' late chair! It'll be a busy 12 days...but that's ok.
WOW....did I say that there's not a lot going on? Just strike that comment!
Have a great week!
Love you ALL!