Sunday, October 5, 2008

I'M BACK!!!!!!

What a summer it's been! I've had quite a few people tell me that I need to get my blog updated! I've put it off so long....I'm gonna give you the "cliff notes" version!

My son Larry came in to visit this weekend and I was so glad to see him. We had a GREAT time, went running around on Saturday and to a birthday party out in Roxton, for my great-niece Isabella, who turned 4! We had so much fun and really enjoyed the weather. Happy B'day Izzy!

Me and my Larry

Larry and the birthday girl Isabella! She loves her some "Spinkyboy".

This is our newest addition to the family....Miss Lucy.
As you can see, she's a size 8.

I was sick during August and September....still not sure what it was, but I don't want "IT" again. I lost my voice for 2 1/2 weeks...had to be off work a LOT...took too much medicine... and had to go to the doctor too many times! Thought you might get a big laugh out of this picture that Webber took, while I was at my worst! Our new puppy Miss Lucy was feeling really sorry for me and wanted to be REALLY close to me all the time. As you can see....I was THRILLED to have my picture taken.

Attractive aren't I? haha!!

When Larry & I came in yesterday - this is how she met us at the door...with her chew toy around her neck like a necklace. How funny is that? What a diva!

The biggest news of the summer for us was FINALLY getting to move into our new little house. It's been a lot of work and will continue to be a lot of work...but someone told me that I "have the rest of my life to work on it". I don't have the "before" pictures, because our monitor went out on the old computer and I can't get to all that right here's my HOME! I took this picture at dusk tonight, so you may not get the real feel for it....I'll take more later. Check out the RED door. That has always been my dream...I just think that a red door is so inviting! You'll have to come see us!


martha crockett said...

Well, it's about time! I know it's hard to top a trip to Cancun, but new house and puppy pix will come close!
Glad you're feeling better, and thanks for keeping up the e-bulletin, even when you were so sick yourself!

Anonymous said...

I glad that you are back. I missed you!!!

Love ya bunches, Nelda

Anonymous said...

Happy to see you made it back among the living. Girl, you were in sad shape the last time I saw you at the new house. Hope you're out of the woods as far as sickness goes and can get back to being the "normal" Molly...which is kind of an oxymoron, isn't it? Love ya loads! Mean it, too!

The McCarter Family said...

Welcome back to blogland! I can't wait to come see your house when I get a chance. That picture of you sick was ALMOST as good as the "Exorcist" one you took of me just minutes before Aubrie was born!