Saturday, October 17, 2009

HOLY COW . . . It's been Y E A R S!!!!!!

Imagine my surprise when this lady walked up to me....I didn't have a clue who she was! (I blame it on sunglasses!) This is my friend, Vicky Helms! Vicky and I were running buddies back when we were in our "early" 20's! I have so many memories of trips to Dallas and Commerce! She even helped me decorate my first little apartment in Cooper.....well actually it was a window in my bathroom...but that's a story for another time! hahahah!

Now, for the small world part! Vicky's daughter Nicole is one of my Mommy's nurses! Nicole had told her Mom about meeting this lady named "Melinda" (which is what my family calls me). It finally dawned on Vicky that she was talking about Molly Melinda McMillan! Tah-Dah!

We exchanged phone numbers and hopefully, after all these years, we can reconnect and become close friends again!

What fun!

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